Monday, April 16, 2012


Before I give you all the "random" things I'm going to blog about, I'd like to tell why I'm writing about three different things. 1. I havn't blogged in a while and I need to catch up. 2. It would be weird to to write three different blogs in one day. So, those are the reasons why NONE of theses things are in common. And hey, I'm multi-tasking.

First, yesterday my sister had a friend here. My littler sisters went CRAZY about her. I mean, showing off there version of the "tango" crazy. Here's a funny thing that my little sister Allison said that I'll share with you guys:

My mom asks if my sisters friend slept well

Before she can answere, Allison says "Oh, yes she did, I was watching her sleep!"

Everyone laughs

So, now you know never to sleep over at our house unless, well, you want to be watched while your sleeping.

Alright, know I am going to share a blog (For teens) that I personally think is awesome. It is called "Silk and Purple". Check it out.

Next random thing - NAILS!

I love these! I did two colors underneith and put crackle over it.

Well, that's all . . . surprisingly.


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