Friday, April 6, 2012

Don't Blog Late at Night

Don't ever blog late at night. Take it from someone who knows. I just did it last night, and well I forgot a ton of things we did yesterday. Such as: The pet shop (I found the snake I wanted! But mom won't let me get it.), Pizza hut, and curch. Wait, make that three things instead of a ton. But all the things I forgot to mention does tripple what we did yesterday. Wait, no, not tripple, double. It's only 7:30 and I'm stilling blogging oddly? Don't worry, though, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with me, just having an off couple of days (I hope). You know, I have enough math to do in school, should I really have to do it in real life? I think not! Just kidding. Well, you just will have to hang in there for a couple of blogs and then I should be back on track (I hope).