Thursday, April 26, 2012

We're Getting Grass . . . Finally!

We are finally getting grass! I'm sure that'll look better than gravel and sand. Dad just got it seeded yesterday. And now we are working on the hard part . . .  waiting. It'll at least take all summer to grow. I'm just glad that we will be able to have grass. Hey, don't think that it's weird for me to be blogging about grass, you try living without a grassy lawn! Maybe some of you have before. I don't know. Well, I don't know about you, but I like going bare foot, and grass is way better to step on than gravel.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


 Hand-me-downs are not that bad. I like getting hand-me-downs because then you don't have to go through the whole I'm-so-sick-of-shopping-for-clothes thing. So thanks Brooke (my older sister) for all the hand-me-downs you've given me!

Thanks Brooke for this shirt (even though it doesn't look nice on me)

And this one (even though it also looks bad on me)

And this dresss (it actually looks nice on me).

And this one, it is my favorite so far.

these are some cows that are in the pasture across teh road. They usually don't come down here. Thought I'd show you guys them. I'm sure you're getting confused about what kind of girl I am. I mean, I'm writing about close and cows in the same blog for goodness-sakes! You know, I'm pretty surprised that I got this picture. These are momma's and their little calves. I could have been trampled over! I could have died! Don't you say I'm over-reacting. You don't go in a pen of cows to help your grandpa, come out of that pen of cows, ride home with your dad, who is telling you a story of when he was a kid and got trampled over and not be scared of being, well, you know, TRAMPLED OVER! Well, I still can get close to cows and stuff but that thought is still stuck in the back of my mind, you know. Oops, sorry, cows totally took over the hand-me-downs. Sorry.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Before I give you all the "random" things I'm going to blog about, I'd like to tell why I'm writing about three different things. 1. I havn't blogged in a while and I need to catch up. 2. It would be weird to to write three different blogs in one day. So, those are the reasons why NONE of theses things are in common. And hey, I'm multi-tasking.

First, yesterday my sister had a friend here. My littler sisters went CRAZY about her. I mean, showing off there version of the "tango" crazy. Here's a funny thing that my little sister Allison said that I'll share with you guys:

My mom asks if my sisters friend slept well

Before she can answere, Allison says "Oh, yes she did, I was watching her sleep!"

Everyone laughs

So, now you know never to sleep over at our house unless, well, you want to be watched while your sleeping.

Alright, know I am going to share a blog (For teens) that I personally think is awesome. It is called "Silk and Purple". Check it out.

Next random thing - NAILS!

I love these! I did two colors underneith and put crackle over it.

Well, that's all . . . surprisingly.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter . . . At a Rig?

How was your Easter? Mine was . . . unique. It also was awesome! My dad was working so we went to the rig to eat and spend the day with him. It was fun. Let me tell you this, it is really hard to get a plate full of food and then eat . . . on a couch. Which was odd, but fun. We ate, watched a movie, visited, and had a great time! I think it's special to be able to have Easter at a rig. It's an Easter I'll never forget.

Feel free to leave a comment and tell me how your Easter was! I'd love to know.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Minnesota Vikings

Before I start blogging about my title, I am going to tell you that it is only 9:38 (in the morning) and my blogging senses should be back now. Hooray for me!

My favorite football team is the Minnesota Vikings. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because I was born into a Viking lovin' family. Maybe because my dad would be the slightest bit dumbfound if I went for, oh, I don't know, The Packers. Eek! I can't even imagine what his face would be like if I said that! If you don't know, the Packers are the Vikings arch nemesis. So, you can see why that just wouldn't work. Even though the Viking might make better ballet dancer than football players, They're still my favorite team! Just kidding about the whole "ballet dancers" thing. I would never say that about the Vikings!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Don't Blog Late at Night

Don't ever blog late at night. Take it from someone who knows. I just did it last night, and well I forgot a ton of things we did yesterday. Such as: The pet shop (I found the snake I wanted! But mom won't let me get it.), Pizza hut, and curch. Wait, make that three things instead of a ton. But all the things I forgot to mention does tripple what we did yesterday. Wait, no, not tripple, double. It's only 7:30 and I'm stilling blogging oddly? Don't worry, though, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with me, just having an off couple of days (I hope). You know, I have enough math to do in school, should I really have to do it in real life? I think not! Just kidding. Well, you just will have to hang in there for a couple of blogs and then I should be back on track (I hope).

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Busy Day

Today was one of those days where your gone all day and your busy. We left our house today to go to gymnastics. After gymnastics, we went to ultimate frisbee. After ultimate frisbee, we went to my aunts house. After going to my aunts house, we FINALLY went home.

Gymnastics went good. We didn't do actually "gymnastics", we did "tag". "Tag" is fun to play, expecially when theres a lot of people playing. Then it's hard to tell who's it and who's not.

Frisbee is fun. I went not knowing how to play, and left a pro (if "pro" is somehow being able to through a frisbee without being laughed at, then yes, I was a "pro").

My aunts house was nice and relaxing (not to mention air conditioned) after ultimate frisbee.

Home was three words: re-lie-ving. I guess technically, thier three "syllables", but you know what I mean.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Softball Has its Ups and Downs

Softball has its ups and downs (but mostly ups). Here are some examples:

UP. Playing the game is a lot of fun.

DOWN. You don't get to chose what the weathers like when your playing the game.

UP. You get to have great team mates.

DOWN. Sometimes, when trying to catch a pop fly, You and your team mates crash into each other.
               And that, my friend, hurts.

UP.  You get to pitch.

DOWN. The day after you practice pitching (like today), your arm is really, really soar.

UP. You get to throw a ball as hard as you want.

DOWN. Sometimes, when trying to catch those balls, they hit you in the head . . . hard.

Up. If you get a good pitcher while batting, you can hit the ball.

DOWN. If you "don't" get a good pitcher, "they" hit "you" on the head, leg, knee, stomach, arm,   
               elbow, ect.

So those are my ups and downs of softball. The downs are just what happen and they are part of the game.  You know what they say "No pain, no gain" or is it game? Oh, I don't know!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pitching For Softball

In softball last year, I was the pitcher. It was so much fun and I loved it! So now this year, I want to be better at it. So I went outside with a ball and glove and pitched at a big ol' pile of dirt. I got tired of the whole Pitch the ball, get the ball, and then walk back routine. I mean, it gets old after a while, wouldn't you think so? So I got an idea. I took a bunch of dirt clumps and put them in a pile. Then I just pitched those. It was awesome, and a lot more fun to watch. It's like they explode or something because, well, they brake. So instead of a "biong" theres a "crash", which, in my opinion, is way more cool. Sorry if im weirding you out with my whole I~love~to~watch-dirt-explode thing. So, I guess that's it.

Monday, April 2, 2012


I have never been the kind of girl to paint her nails. That is, of course, until now. Ever since I got that crackle nail, they've been painted. Although, it's really starting to creep me out! I don't paint my nails! Well, I guess now I do, but I never did before! It's like that crackle nail brain washed me. Sorry, I'm over reacting. Anyway, me and my friend did our nails on Saturday and decided to go crazy and do them different colors. It was fun!